Khas di tujukan pada Dhina, Sara,Cik yus, CoreCheck n kengkwn yg suka wat muka.. dy tgk page nih terkejut gak..
Terlalu taksub sgt nak cantik katanya..last2 muka jadi cam nih..kadang2 klu produk yg kita pakai tuh ada gak brg yg membuatkan kesan pada jangka masa kena ati2 lah yer..Takyah nak cucuk2 muka yg dah mmg dah di kurnikan tuhan semulajadi cantik...Cukuplah buat pengubahsuaian skit2..
kira Halal lah tuh..
She used to look like this before the cosmetic surgery disaster:

Tgk muka kat atas nih...
Dah cukup manis dah...Lawa sgt2 kan..
Kira nak comolot tak lah geli...
hik hik!!!~~
Tapi degil nih...
last2 muka pun berubah....

Ini ader skit petikan dr News..
Her name is Han Mi Ok, a Korean celebrity who became known as 'Fan Lady' after her disastrous cosmetic surgery. She underwent 15 reconstructive surgery to overhaul her 'I-don't-think-it-can-be-fix' plastic surgery damage. She apparently became obsessed addicted to plastic surgery and couldn't get enough of the 'faux-fect face' ( I made the word up) so she went to quacks just to indulge herself. She even personally performed a facial injection at home. The result¡. well you can see it.
And this is how she looks now after the overhaul:

On the photos above, Han Mi Ok was at the shooting of of 500th episode of Shocking Stories of the World.
I admire her courage to display her damaged face in public and let people see how ungodly it is to distort ones appearance. I am not totally against plastic surgery but I am also not for it.
She should serve as a lesson to anyone who dreamed of having a 'faux-fect face'. Think twice before you get cut up and think thrice before you inject yourself with human byproducts.
Bersyukurlah yer kawan2...
9 ulasan:
bole caya ker citer ko nie???
mcm x logik jerr...
ngeri laa tgk...
rp kitorg xde laa smpai nk cucuk2..hehehe
make up sajooooo..
tak caya gilah try suntik tgk...
ajak Chichi ngan cik Yus skali..
hik hik
tak nak lahh buat plastik surgeri..kan dah comel ni..heheheh
Tau takpe...
manis bertudung..
Si sara pun comel gak...
Serba serbi mewah..
thanks ady...
awk sedarkn sy tuk brsyukur ngan ape yg ade...
Chayok!! Chayok...
ngeri la plak negok muka dia ni.. sian kan..
skang sibuk kempen nak kasi org jgn jadi cam dia..
ader hikmah ler tuh..
hope byk yg sedar!!~~
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